Border Collie Puppy Teeth Growth Timeline

Border Collie puppies have teeth that last forever Waiting list
Dog Teeth

Slang goes: Good teeth mean good food. This is true for people, and it is also true for dogs. If you want to raise a good dog, please start by taking care of its teeth. Today, the author and everyone share the periodic table of dental growth of the Border Collie (definitely introduced).


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9 months old

Dog age

< strong>Tooth growth scene

9~ 28 days old

The emergence of deciduous incisors

21~28 days old

3rd milk premolar Give birth

21~35 days old

Mild canine teeth emerge

21~42 days old< /p>

The 4th mammary premolar emerges

28~ 42 days old

The second milk premolar emerges

2 months old

All primary teeth are aligned

3~4 months old

1, 2 are born by incising teeth forever

4~5 months old

The 1st permanent premolar emerges

April to June Age

The permanent canine teeth emerge, and the first permanent posterior molars of the left and right jaws emerge

4~7 months old

The second eternity comes from the tooth

5~6 months old

The third permanent incisor emerges

5~7 Monthly age

The 2nd, 3rd, and 4th permanent premolars are all aligned

6~9 months old

The third permanent posterior molar of the mandible appears

All forever Teeth replacement

1 year old

The teeth are always long, white and bright, and the incisors have pointed processes

It doesn’t just refer to Border Collies. Dogs are often in this stage of changing their teeth. There is nothing special to pay attention to. They just eat dog food and often give them teething sticks. It’s okay to pay attention to calcium supplementation to prevent double rows of teeth
I wish all dogs and dog parents and dog mothers to have their teeth exposed to the sun every day!

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